Friday, October 19, 2018

Words of the Wise

"The words of a [discreet] and wise man's mouth are as deep waters [plenteous and difficult to fathom]; and the fountain of skillful and godly Wisdom is as a gushing stream [sparkling, fresh, pure, and life-giving]." Proverbs 18:4 Amplified Bible

There's something beautiful about a waterfall.

As a group of us hiked Forest Falls one year, we could hear the sound of rushing water.   Our trail turned toward a trickling stream, but as we ascended, the stream's mist became exciting while our eyes dazzled at the sparkling trail. We continued up the dirt path, and the rocky incline eventually became treacherous.  Although tired, the deep, rushing water sent a thrill into our souls which kept us going. Sometimes our foot slipped on rocks, but we steadied, determined to reach our destination.

After two hours of climb, we finally made it! We had reached the falls. Some wanted to go right under it, some wanted to touch the misty edge, some just wanted to look at it from a distance, but we all enjoyed the rush of its powerful pounding flow!

And just like that, the sound & power of wisdom has its rush.  When we are dry, empty, and tired, words that come from Life bring refreshment and an "ahhhhh."  They're like a glowing stream that makes alive dead days. They shine a light on dark paths, sometimes like cold pulsating falls rushing over our heads.

The powerful flow of wise words lifts us when we are downtrodden.  They give direction and purpose when we feel aimless too. It straightens a crooked path when we're weaving in and out; and hope when we have none. Are there any better words than those?

Gaining wisdom or finding others who speak with it are also likened to finding a waterfall.  Not easy to get to, yet with effort and a seeking heart, it's reachable; as you hear, it's sound.

Do you need wisdom like that?  Ask Him!

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